How it works?

There is always a way to get money quick

Step One:

Fill in an application form
on our website

Make a request on our website and wait for response to e-mail within 15-30
minutes from the time of the request during business hours.

Step Two:

Our representative will contact you
to clear up the details

One of our representatives will call you to clear up some details
of the online application you made.

Step Three:

Receive your money in the most
convenient way

You will receive the money you applied for in cash

Salary Advance is the right choice for you if:

you are 18 or older

The minimun age to use our service is 18.

you are a Zambian Resident

Must be a current resident of Zambia.

you have a Bank Account

You need an active Zambian bank account to allow the money to be transferred to you.

you are honest and trustworthy

You deffinitely have to be a nice person 🙂

you have a valid Address

Must be a current resident of Zambia.

you have a regular income

You must have an income every month whether it be benefits or a job.